The Analytical method (HPLC) used for identification, assay of triclabendazole, related substances and preservatives used in finished product Tricladem 5, in SC Delos Impex 96 SRL

Journal Title: Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug - Year 2012, Vol 6, Issue 2


 Because, triclabendazole is an active pharmaceutical ingredient without compendial monography (European Pharmacopoeia, United Stated Pharmacopoeia) in SC Delos Impex ’96 SRL, the API identification, assay, related substances, and, preservatives, assay and identification is made using the original method presented below. This permits acomplishing all these determination in relative short time (the chromatogram time recorded is 25 min.).

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Neagu, Cristina Marinescu, Roxana Covaci, Catalina Macovei


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How To Cite

Maria Neagu, Cristina Marinescu, Roxana Covaci, Catalina Macovei (2012). The Analytical method (HPLC) used for identification, assay of triclabendazole, related substances and preservatives used in finished product Tricladem 5, in SC Delos Impex 96 SRL. Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug, 6(2), 76-78.