The anti-apoptic action of the combination containing doxycycline and glucosamine in the experimental treatment of the joint syndrome


Apoptosis is the main mechanism of chondrocytes death in osteoarthritis. Unlike necrosis, it is characterized as a process by which a cell itself actively initiates and causes its destruction. The following morphological and biochemical properties are characteristic for apoptosis: chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation; the appearance of specific markers on the cell surface; cell shedding and the loss of contact with neighboring cells and the matrix; the nuclear membrane change; vacuolization and formation of apoptotic bodies. In the articular cartilage apoptosis occurs in response to compression, mechanical damage, disruption of trophism, or experimental influence. Aim. To study the effect of the combination containing doxycycline and glucosamine on chondrocytes apoptosis processes on the model of systemic steroid arthrosis in rats compared to its active monocomponents – doxycycline and glucosamine. Materials and methods. The therapeutic properties of the combination on the model of systemic steroid arthritis caused by dexamethasone were studied in-depth. It was reproduced by the intramuscular injection of dexamethasone phosphate three times in the dose of 7 mg/kg with an interval of one week with elements of modification consisted in increasing the dose of glucocorticosteroid. To assess apoptosis in an articular cartilage the TUNEL method was used. Results. As a result of the morphometric studies a significant decrease in the number of TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells was observed under the influence of all the objects studied compared to the control pathology rats. It was also found that the combination studied had significant differences by this indicator compared to other experimental groups. Dexamethasone administration was shown to cause a proapoptotic effect. The composition has a protective effect on chondrocytes, balancing the processes of catabolism and anabolism of cellular homeostasis in them. Conclusions. According to the results of the studies conducted the combination containing doxycycline and glucosamine can be assessed as an agent with a high chondroprotective activity; it is promising for further use in patients with destructive joint diseases, in particular osteoarthritis.

Authors and Affiliations

K. M. Tkachenko, I. A. Otrishko, S. K. Shebeko, K. O. Zupanets


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  • EP ID EP659752
  • DOI 10.24959/cphj.19.1498
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How To Cite

K. M. Tkachenko, I. A. Otrishko, S. K. Shebeko, K. O. Zupanets (2019). The anti-apoptic action of the combination containing doxycycline and glucosamine in the experimental treatment of the joint syndrome. Клінічна фармація; Клиническая фармация, 23(3), 38-43.