The Art of Aks in al-Bedi and Examples From the Quran

Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2014, Vol 14, Issue 2


As a branch of science, al-Bedi reveals the procedures and rules of the grammatical construction of sentences in terms of words and meaning. One of the arts investigated by al-Bedi is "aks." Although aks is considered as one of the semantic arts, it is also an art providing harmony. Aks is defined as the art to form new sentences by changing the places of sentence parts from the beginning to the end and vice versa. It is also known as "tabdil." Although this art is used in poetry and prose of Turkish and Arabic literature, it is used more frequently in poetry. Scholars like Abu Hilal al-Askari, Ibn Abi’l-Isba and al-Qazwini have contributed the development of this art. However this art is often mistaken with other arts such as kalb and tasdir. In the science of al-Bedi it has three different uses, each without a name. Two of these are also used in verses of the Quran. For that reason, this research has investigated the art of aks separately, proposing some names to its varieties and has examined the examples of this art in the verses of the Quran. This research has also intended to clearly identify this art and help researchers distinguish this art of aks from others.

Authors and Affiliations

Muhammet Vehbi Dereli


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  • EP ID EP601841
  • DOI 10.33420/marife.436786
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How To Cite

Muhammet Vehbi Dereli (2014). The Art of Aks in al-Bedi and Examples From the Quran. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(2), 9-24.