The aspects of effective foreign language teaching / learning promoting learners‘ need to develop communicative and strategic competences

Journal Title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika - Year 2010, Vol 6, Issue 6


The article presents the investigation about how to effectively learn languages having developed the need to improve strategic and communicative competences. The effectiveness of foreign language teaching/learning is determined by the essential aspect, which is the ability to properly organize the teaching/learning process. Learning is preconditioned by such factors as foreseeing the education goal and tasks; planning and updating the education contents; personal and other people‘s language learning experience as well as learning strategies. While learning foreign languages, it is very important to know oneself and be able to adapt the most suitable strategies. Scientific foreign language researches emphasize linguistic perception, consciousness, conscious learning and language cognition. All this is in especially close connection with language learning knowledge and reflexive knowledge of a language, to which language teaching / learning strategies belong. Individuals must actively participate in the teaching/learning process themselves, and use their own experience. The problem is that a learner is often unable to effectively choose the alternative ways of vocabulary learning that promote the development of communicative competence. The relevance of the topic is proved by the fact that while devel oping their linguistic competence, most learners have too great expectations of thei r teachers’ initiative. They are not eager to develop their own learning strategies as well as communicative competence, which, in its turn, interferes with effective learning of foreign languages. For the analysis of the topic, the authors of this article referred to Bimmel’s, Rampillon‘s , Wolff‘s, Mačianskienė‘, Šernas‘s scientific theories, their own personal practical experience, and the research carried out in Kaunas College in 2010. The respondents were the learners of foreign languages (100 persons). The main objective of the research is to investigate the impact of the development of strategic and communicative competences on the effective foreign language teaching / learning. The aims of the research are 1. to investigate and analyse the aspects of developing strategic and communicative competences while learning foreign languages; 2. to highlight the links between the ability to create personal learning strategies and the effective foreign language learning. 3. to find out the impact of creating learning strategies and developing communicative competence on the efficiency of foreign language learning. The object of the research is foreign language teaching / learning strategies, the types of learning, and the communicative competence. The methods of the research are the scientific literature analysis, questionnaire survey, and analysis of the statistical data. The theoretical part defines the concepts of developi ng communicative and strategic competences; discusses their links, and analys es strategies to be developed for efficient foreign language learning. The firs t aspect of the research is the importance of developing long-term and short-term strategies in the process of foreign language learning. The results of the investigation affirm that educators should encourage learners to take greater responsibi lities in striving for their goals; provide them with consultations in defining learning / teaching goals; and help them develop strategic competence. This area is not properly emphasised in the learni ng / teaching process. The second aspect of the research involves links of self-cognition and development of communicative competences. It can be admitted that learners of foreign languages should pay more attention to self-cognition, which would enable them to select efficient practice forms, and apply strategies that correspond to the cardinal objective in foreign language teaching and learning, i.e. developing communicative abilities. Educators should provide learners with more cons ultations and direct them towards purposeful activiti es. The third aspect of the research is links between practice activities while learning a foreign language and development of communicati ve competence. The results of this section prove that conscious endeavour of learners to develop strategic and communicative competences can increase learning efficiency. Summing up the results, a conclusion is drawn that while striving for foreign language learning to be efficient, it is necessary to develop a need and ability to develop learning competences. The development of communicative and strategic competences has a positive impact on the efficiency of foreign language teaching and learning. A suggestion is made for educators to assist learners while defining short-term and long-term objectives; encourage their self-cognition; help them select suitable forms of work; and improve their ability to control their progress while striving to reac h the goal, i.e. develop their communicative competence.

Authors and Affiliations

Aldona Zapolskienė, Jūratė Dovydienė


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How To Cite

Aldona Zapolskienė, Jūratė Dovydienė (2010). The aspects of effective foreign language teaching / learning promoting learners‘ need to develop communicative and strategic competences. Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika, 6(6), 227-236.