The Assessment of Affective Domain among PALAPES in UPSI


This study was conducted to examine the level of affective domain among Reserve Officers Training Team (PALAPES) after underwent three years of training module. 105 PALAPES cadet officers were recruited as participants in this study. Co-curriculum index assessments (IPKo) was used to assess cognitive domain achievement level. Results showed all the cadets are only at the ‘Good’ and ‘Moderate’ levels for all the affective items that have been given. No significant difference was found in the mean affective level between male cadet and female cadet. Results demonstrate the advantages for the university students to involve in co-curricular activities such as PALAPES in enhancing their affective domain.

Authors and Affiliations

Azali Bin Rahmat, Mohd Izwan Bin Shahril, Norkhalid Bin Salimin, Mohamad Ali Roshidi Bin Ahmad, Ali Md Nadzalan


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  • EP ID EP531066
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i1/3808
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How To Cite

Azali Bin Rahmat, Mohd Izwan Bin Shahril, Norkhalid Bin Salimin, Mohamad Ali Roshidi Bin Ahmad, Ali Md Nadzalan (2018). The Assessment of Affective Domain among PALAPES in UPSI. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(1), 293-299.