The assessment of metabolism of bone tissue as changes in concentration of biochemical markers of bone turnover in inpatient alcohol dependent women
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2013, Vol 47, Issue 1
Aim. The aim of this study was the assessment to of metabolism of bone tissue as changes in concentration of biochemical markers of bone turnover in inpatient alcohol dependent women. Methods. The studied group consisted of 50 alcohol dependent female patients who were divided in two groups: one with an activity of AST or ALT above referential values and level of bilirubin and the second one with the activity of transaminases and level of bilirubin within referential values. The level of sex hormones and markers of bone turnover such as osteocalcin and collagen cross laps (ctx) were indicated. Results. In the group with an AST, ALT or BIL above referential values, the concentration of FSH in the ovulation phase and luteal phase as well as LH in luteal phase was significantly higher, while ctx and osteocalcin was lower compared to the group with AST, ALT or BIL within referential values. The mean concentrations of FSH in follicular phase and luteal phase as well as LH in the luteal phase and progesterone in the follicular phase were increased in the group of patients with AST, ALT or BIL above referential values. The positive correlation between levels of ctx and osteocalcin was found which suggests a balance between processes of bone formation and bone resorption in the whole group while a lack of such correlation was observed in patients with AST, ALT or BIL above referential values. Conclusions. The results obtained indicate the multidirectional and mutual relations between the alcohol abuse, liver function, bone turnover and activity of endocrine system.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Augustyńska, Aleksander Araszkiewicz, Alina Woźniak, Grażyna Odrowąż-Sypniewska, Marzena Gruszka, Sławomir Manysiak, Monika Wiłkość, Wojciech Kosmowski
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