The Association between Internet Addiction and Emotional Intelligence: A Meta-Analysis Study - - - Povezanost između zavisnosti od interneta i emocionalne inteligencije: meta-analiza
Journal Title: Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis - Year 2018, Vol 35, Issue 1
Recently, internet addiction has turned into a major concern all over the world. According to scientific evi-dences, people with higher emotional intelligence are less addicted to the Internet; however, the type and strength of this relation is still a matter of debate. Due to a lack of information in this regard, the present study has been conducted as a meta-analysis method to this end. A comprehensive search in Scopus, Web of Knowledge, ScienceDirect, Medline, Springer, Google Scholar, Magiran and Scientific Information Database (SID) with no restrictions of time and language was done with the following keywords: ‘Internet’/‘Internet users’, ‘Internet addiction’, and ‘emotional intelligence’. Pooled correla-tion of the present study was -0.393; [95%CI, -0.564-0.190]. The results of the Cochran Q (Q = 623:192, p = 0.000) and I2=97.75% index showed a high heterogeneity between studies included in the meta-analysis. No publication bias was observed. In general, there was a moderate and inverse relation between Internet addiction and emotional inte-lligence; however, it seems that there is a relation between some of different personal, social, and cultural traits. Therefore, further studies are needed for the confirmation of the claim put forth. - - - Odnedavno je zavisnost od interneta postala značajan problem širom sveta. Prema naučnim podacima, ljudi sa većom emocionalnom inteligencijom su manje zavisni od interneta; međutim, tip i jačina ove povezanosti je još uvek predmet rasprava. Usled nedostatka informacija o ovoj temi, ova studija je izvedena kao meta-analiza. U opsežnoj studiji, u kojoj su za pretragu korišćene baze Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Science direct, Medline, Springer, Google Scholar, Magiran i Scientific Information Database (SID), bez ograničenja u vremenu i jeziku, tražene su sledeće ključne reči: “internet/korisnici interneta”, “zavisnost od interneta” i “emocionalna inteligencija”. Korelacija je iznosila -0,393; [95%CI,-0,564-0,190]. Rezultati Cochran Q testa, kao i I2=97,75% indeksa, su pokazali visok stepen heterogenosti između studija koje su uključene u ovu meta-analizu. Pristrasnost pri objavljivanju nije uočena. Generalno, zabeležena je umerena i inverzna relacija između zavisnosti od interneta i emocionalne inteligencije. Međutim, smatra se da postoji određena veza između različitih ličnih, društvenih i kulturoloških osobina. Stoga, potrebno je nastaviti sa istraživanjima u ovom pravcu kako bi se proverila ova tvrdnja.
Authors and Affiliations
Hossein Ranjbar, Mahmoud Bakhshi
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