The Background of Egypt Tradition In Ottoman Qiraah Education Before Ali B. Suleiman Al-Mansûrî: A Biographical Review

Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 1


The article deals with the "qurrahs" (Quran reciters) of Egypt tradition who were mentioned in the "icazah" (declaration of autonomy) of Ali b. Suleiman al-Mansûrî. While giving the biographies of the mentioned Qurrah’s, their qualifications in other disciplines are also adverted but focused mainly on their skills in the field of Qiraah (the science of Quranic recitation). The goal of the article is offering an insight under the light of life stories of aforementioned scholars into the educational process of Egypt tradition in pre-Ottoman times, one of the Ottomans two mainstreams Qiraah education which both are still surviving up to the present. In the meanwhile, the educational periods of qurrahs (reciters) discussed in this study, the books they utilized, the works and writings made by them are also pointed out in the article. It is aimed to shed light on Egypt Tariq (Qur’anic Recital Tradition) in pre-Ottoman period in accordance with the collected data concerning patterns of education, curriculums and various aspects of its education and training. The article is unique in terms of Qiraah researches, for some biographies mentioned therein created for the first time in Turkish academic circles. These biographies are valuable because they are illuminating the lives, studies and scholar status of some personalities known as authorities in Qiraah field which was unknown before. This unique feature will increase the popularity of the article.

Authors and Affiliations

Ahmet Gökdemir


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  • EP ID EP601707
  • DOI 10.33420/marife.403018
  • Views 201
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How To Cite

Ahmet Gökdemir (2018). The Background of Egypt Tradition In Ottoman Qiraah Education Before Ali B. Suleiman Al-Mansûrî: A Biographical Review. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi, 18(1), 177-192.