The basic design parameters constrictions of forages
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 140
Improving the efficiency of the process of mixing of feed for the small cattle can be achieved by applying the mixing of the working body able to qualitatively move groups of different sizes of particles from one position to another. Calculating the design parameters fodder mixing process is crucial when choosing the design parameters and it has a decisive significance is also important to take into account the fact that the quality ration can be obtained only from the ground components, the dimensions of which correspond to the zoo technical requirements. The results of the theoretical study of the mixer design parameters give reason to justify the basic design parameters of the working bodies of feed mixer. The proposed mixer, in the process, is a certain mass of shredded root vegetables. This consists of a mass of individual particles. The ternary mixture of root vegetable chips is the size of the cubes faces 10 mm, which is entirely consistent with the requirements of zoo technical. It was found that the feed particles oscillate in the variable radius with a simultaneous axial movement, which is achieved by a non-cylindrical shape of the hopper. The simplest non-cylindrical design of the hopper, from the standpoint of manufacturing in the production, is a truncated cone. Determine the total power expended on the work and power, the need to idle the rotor, thus reducing the value of the considered transport capacity.
Authors and Affiliations
F. A. Alatoom Mohammad
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