The article discusses the importance of a child’s proper attachment to the caregiver, and thecauses and symptoms of attachment disorders. In special education, the process of forming appropriaterelationships between chil...
Kamila Miler-Zdanowska (2013). The British Journal of Visual Impairment, 2011, number
1–3 . Przegląd czasopism. Men Disability Society, 2(20),
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Early days of education for deafblind people in Poland based on the story of Krystyna Hryszkiewicz’s life
Sprawozdanie z ogólnopolskiej konferencji Naukowej Dziecko–Młodzież–Rodzina jako adresaci pomocy psychopedagogicznej i socjalnej. Poznań, 23 października 2012
Broken ties – The child with RAD – A new area of activity for special educators
The article discusses the importance of a child’s proper attachment to the caregiver, and thecauses and symptoms of attachment disorders. In special education, the process of forming appropriaterelationships between chil...
Report on the TASH Conference, November 28 – December 1, 2012, Long Beach, California, USA
Anna Steliga (2012). Wybrane zagadnienia terapii przez sztukę osób chorych psychicznie [Selected issues concerning art therapy for people with mental disorders]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Xeein