The C- shaped second mandibular molar and intentional replantation
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2018, Vol 71, Issue 3
The aim of this case report was to describe the endodontic and surgical treatment of a C-shaped mandibular left second molar. The procedure was performed as re-treatment of an initially failed treatment. During re-treatment, the C-shaped canal was prepared chemo-mechanically and filled. Although clinical and radiological evidence of healing was present after one and two years, the lingual wall of the crown was fractured after five years. The hard tissues were restored with post, core, and PFM crown. After three years, clinical examination revealed an 8 mm periodontal pocket in the lingual part of the root, sensation to percussion and tooth mobility. The symptoms suggested the root fracture, which required surgical verification. The decision about tooth extraction or intentional replantation was made, if the fracture were not confirmed. The apex was resected and the root-end was prepared and filled with MTA. The lingual groove extending from the coronal part of the tooth to the apex was also filled with MTA. The tooth was replanted and splinted with a fiber splint and flow composite for two weeks. The tooth appeared to be clinically asymptomatic after one and two years of the follow-up, and periradicular radiolucency decreased over time. However, signs of ankylosis were observed five years after surgery. In the presented case, re-treatment and intentional replantation allowed the tooth to be retained in the oral cavity despite the occurrence of the complication in a form of ankylosis. Sixteen years have passed since the tooth retreatment and 8 years since the procedure of intentional replantation. <br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Bołtacz - Rzepkowska, Agnieszka Żęcin, Michał Łęski
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