The City Council building in Bologna as an example of pro-ecological architecture
Journal Title: Architectus - Year 2014, Vol 18, Issue 2
The new City Council building in Bologna, designed by Mario Cucinella Architects is an example of the holistically designed object, that presents methods of built environment creation with the responsibility towards the natural environment. Pro-ecological attitude has been accentuated in the architecture through the increased energy efficiency and proper building orientation considering geographical directions and local climate conditions. The usage of passive solar gain in the winter, cooling air flow through the summer as well as the natural ventilation in public zones and daylight illumination of the office space, allow significant reduction of the energy consumption. The issue of rainwater collection and rational water management in the building has been also very important. Providing a favorable microclimate in the building interiors and its surroundings influences the improvement of the user comfort. Additionally this convenience is increased with a good connection with the transport network and creation of easily accessible, welcoming public space. The high level of user comfort results with an increased quality of life, both in scale of the district and the city. The City Council building, as one of the most important public administration facilities, helps to establish the pattern to be spread and followed among the local society. It is also an example that shows how the right decision about the location of the building of this rank can affect the upgrade of the neighborhood. In addition to the educational message, regarding the promotion of pro-ecological architecture, the authors of the City Council building in Bologna emphasize its aesthetic aspects and the importance in the cultural landscape of the city.
Authors and Affiliations
Barbara Widera
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