The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2015, Vol 42, Issue 4
Objective: In this study, it was aimed to compare the sensitivity of diagnostic tests in patients with a preliminary diagnosis of brucellosis. Methods: We have compared the serological methods, standard tube agglutination test (STA), Coombs Test (CT), Rose Bengal (RBT), and the gel centrifugation test. In patients with a preliminary diagnosis of brucellosis, subjects with a positive test result of RBT has been included in the research and other diagnostic tests STA, CT and Coombs Gel centrifugation tests were performed within the range of same titration. Results: Total 132 patient’s serums were studied. In RBT positive 92 patients’ serums, negative test results were found in 11 with STA, in 9 with CT and in 6 with gel test. While 35 patients were identified to be positive by using Brucella gel test at 1/5120 titer, no positive test results were seen with STA and CT at the same titer. Generally, CT results were one titration below the gel centrifugation test results. Conclusion: In conclusion, RBT and STA were not always adequate to determine the diagnosis of brucellosis. Low titer STA results should be supported by tests such as CT or gel centrifugation and the seroconversion must be monitored. Due to giving fast results, gel centrifugation test can be preferred in diagnosis of Brucellosis. Key words: Brucellosis, gel centrifugation, Coombs test
Authors and Affiliations
N. Mine Turhanoğlu , Demet Vural
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