The compositional analysis of copper and bronze Greek coins found at Histria (Acropolis Centre‐South Sector) using a portable X‐Ray fluorescence spectrometer
Journal Title: MATERIALE SI CERCETARI ARHEOLOGICE - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 0
A number of 42 Greek coins (most of them issued and/or circulated at Histria during the autonomous period of the city and several issued by Histria during Roman times) were found during the 2013‐2016 archaeological campaigns conducted in the Acropolis Centre‐South Sector. The coins, made of copper and copper‐based alloys, were subject to a non‐invasive compositional analysis using a portable X‐Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer, in order to determine trends and technological choices in the coinage production. The composition of these items was compared to that characterising a batch of coins found at Histria during older excavations. Un număr de 42 de monede greceşti (cele mai multe emise şi/sau în circulaţie la Histria de‐a lungul perioadei autonome, precum şi câteva emise de Histria de‐a lungul perioadei romane) au fost descoperite în cursul campaniilor arheologice 2013‐2016 din Sectorul Acropolă Centru‐Sud de la Histria. Monedele, realizate din cupru şi aliaje ale cuprului, au constituit subiectul unei analize compoziţionale non‐destructive utilizând un spectrometru cu fluorescenţă de raze X (XRF) portabil, cu scopul de a determina trenduri şi alegeri tehnologice în producerea monedelor. Compoziţia acestor piese a fost comparată cu cea a unui lot de monede provenind din săpături mai vechi efectuate la Histria.
Authors and Affiliations
Alexandra Țârlea, Migdonia Georgescu, Aurel Vîlcu
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content of the volume
summary of the volume XIV/2018
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