The concept of Frame and the Framing Process

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 150


A number of researches based on cognitive approach to the language phenomenon study is increasingly growing in linguistics. This approach enriches scientific research with new conceptual apparatus, different methods and experimental procedures. It also makes possible to give a fresh look on verbalization of the received information. One of the research methods used to analyze how verbal and mental units are connected is frame analysis. Concepts can be represented as frames ,i.e., recursive attribute-value structures. The «sche- mata of interpretation», which are labeled «frames», enable individuals to «locate, perceive, identify, and label» occurrences or infor- mation.[4, p.45]. This constructionist conception of framing makes strong assumptions about individual cognitive processes – structuredness of cognitive representations and theory guidedeness of information processing. These are the same assumptions that are shared or investigated by cognitive psychologists or other cognitively oriented researchers using similar terms. The Frame is multiaspect cognitive phenomenon connected with the process of lingual categorization, keeping and representing information. Due to a distinct structure of the frame and its linguocognitive status, the theory of frame is widely used in many spheres of linguistics, e.g. in studying the specifics of lexical units of national language usage; in the analyses of derivational processes; in grammatical structures analyses; in fiction, scientific, journalistic texts and their pragmatic description; in cognitive units; in theory of translation. Cognitive frames are usually expressed as “slot-filler representations”, structures of interconnected roles together with constraints on the possible or likely fillers of those roles . Examples of such frames are (1) the partially ordered set of events, as well as the participants in such events, that one can expect in a typical visit to a restaurant, barbershop, or hospital, (2) stages and processes in the life cycle of a human being,(3) the organization of a human face, and countless others[ 10, p.51]. As humans we experience some of these frames by virtue of living on the earth, of our daily routines and of entities that we perceive; other frames appear because we are humans with bodies that respond to gravity and to our biological and emotional needs, and with the perceptual faculties that our bodies possess; we form other frames by being members of a particular culture, where we consciously or unconsciously respond to institutions, symbols, artifacts, and values of culture ; and, importantly, still other frames we have by virtue of being a part of the specific speech community that supports and is supported by culture. Thus, we have schematic knowledge about gravity, heat, and shadows, the difference between living and non- living things, about colors, pain, joy and jealousy, about marriage, government and religion, and about weekends, heartburn, military titles.

Authors and Affiliations

O. B. Novosadska


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  • EP ID EP493169
  • DOI 10.31174/SEND-PH2018-150VI43-09
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How To Cite

O. B. Novosadska (2018). The concept of Frame and the Framing Process. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(150), 38-41.