The content of the definition of “operational search investigation of crimes against sexual freedom and sexual inviolability of the person”


Goal. The purpose of the study is to determine the meaning of the definition of "operative-search counteracting crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of a person." Method. The methodology includes a detailed comprehensive analysis and synthesis of available scientific and theoretical material on the raised issues, on the basis of which grounded worldview conclusions and recommendations on disclosure of the essence of the studied concepts are made. Results The concept of "operative-search criminal counteraction" is a generic term for the definition of all components of the activity of law enforcement agencies in order to detect, stop and pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings, as well as to eliminate the negative consequences of illegal activity, causes and conditions that give rise to it. It is proposed for "operative-search counteraction to crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of a person" to understand that this is purposeful, multifaceted and diverse activity of law-enforcement bodies aimed at ensuring and preventing violations of public relations regarding sexual freedom and sexual integrity of a person as a man, so and feminine, which takes place within the limits of the current legislation using all possible forces and means of operative-search activity. Scientific novelty. Taking into account the above, one can conclude that in general the operational-search counteraction to crime is a generalization for defining the whole process of law enforcement activities, which is aimed at achieving the tasks provided for in the current legislation, in particular, in the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Operational Investigative Activity" , The Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and other normative acts, which is the legal basis for carrying out operative and investigative activities in general. Practical significance. The article mentioned in the article gives an opportunity to get closer to defining the content of the definition of "operative-search counteracting crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of a person".

Authors and Affiliations

Катерина Володимирівна Шахова


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How To Cite

Катерина Володимирівна Шахова (2018). The content of the definition of “operational search investigation of crimes against sexual freedom and sexual inviolability of the person”. Науково-інформаційний вісник Івано-Франківського університету права імені Короля Данила Галицького: Журнал. Серія Право., 2(6), 186-192.