The Contribution of Bishop Walenty Wójcik to the Second Vatican Council and the Reform of Canon Law
Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2016, Vol 5, Issue 2
The Author in the article analyses the publications of Bishop’s Walenty Wójcik on the Second Vatican Council and on the post-council reform of canon law. Bishop Professor Wójcik wrote a series of articles on an improved formula of councils in the context of Vaticanum II. In the publications on the post-council reform of canon law first of all described the creation of particular bodies to deal with the Code and the results of their work. The fundamental importance for any appraisal of W. Wójcik’s work should be recalled: he was a participant of the Second Vatican Council and a consultor of the Commission for the Revision of the Canon Law.
Authors and Affiliations
Mirosław Sitarz
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