The Cooperation between Authority and Media as a Category of Social Science Communication

Journal Title: Діалог: медіа-студії - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 22


Within the independent existence of Ukraine the system of information governance, inherited by USSR, underwent the major of institutional, legal, content and activity changes, and also the changes in the issues of competence and powers of some regulators. Although the institutional component of public policy concerning media was formed during the long search of the most effective model of information governance, this process in separate aspects of social science communication was characterized by certain chaos. It is mentioned that for defining the relationship between media and authority to use the term “cooperation” is the most advisable; it is said that this term characterizes the common activity which consists of mutual interest in the results of such interaction. But for the subject of these relationship – authority – “using of media possibilities” is the most determinative term. As far as possible to develop the information activity, a society becomes more important concept of information as a transformational resource. Just information influences on the processes of transformation most of all. The special role of information component in transitional infrastructure is strengthened by the circumstance that because of it the external influence on the establishment and development of market mechanisms is carried out the most effectively. It is no mere chance that in all countries in the programmes of market transformation the important place is given to development of modern information technology. It is proved that the media of Ukraine often are examined not as social responsible business but as a component of political capital or influence. Therefore, the main priority of public policy in the media should be the maintenance of democratic rules of the game on the media market, a clear definition of the criteria of government and media relations, the implementation of the mechanisms of regular public control of the transparency of decision-making concerning the activities of the media.

Authors and Affiliations

Petro Verbytskyj


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How To Cite

Petro Verbytskyj (2016). The Cooperation between Authority and Media as a Category of Social Science Communication. Діалог: медіа-студії, 0(22), 18-29.