The correlation of legal education and spontaneous legal socialization
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 14, Issue 6
In the theoretical literature there are several approaches to the relationship of legal socialization and legal education, but the dominant today is the allocation of legal education in the framework of legal socialization. Such an approach makes it possible to single out spontaneous and purposeful legal socialization, where the latter will be legal education. Recognizing the allocation of legal education in the framework of legal socialization, it should be noted that the criteria for such allocation are not clearly defined, and often, on a theoretical level, these concepts are mixed. An important criterion in the distinction between spontaneous legal socialization and legal education is the specificity of the subjects of the educational process. In contrast to the subjects of legal education, when considering legal socialization, it is problematic to single out the list of subjects of influence; one can only talk about agents of legal socialization, which is connected with the peculiarities of factors influencing this process. In addition, in the course of the spontaneous legal socialization, a person, an individual is a subject, and in the process of legal education - is considered as an object of law-educational influence from the society. The concretization of subject-object relations in legal education, in contrast to spontaneous legal socialization, provides for the possibility of a clear theoretical development and practical implementation of the principles and methods of legal education. Unlike legal education, spontaneous legal socialization is associated with the influence of uncontrolled processes, so an individual can learn not only the patterns of proper behavior, but also those that are not desirable. In the theory of legal education, traditionally distinguished forms of legal education. Legal education, legal propaganda and legal self-education are a systematic and purposeful process of influence of subjects on objects of legal education. The legal education impact of legal practice and the direct realization of the law does not have a clear systematization and focus, therefore, in this case, we are talking about the means of spontaneous legal socialization, and not about the forms of legal education. Another facet of the relationship of legal education and spontaneous legal socialization is the goal. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that if the goal of legal education is the formation of legal culture, then the goal of legal socialization of an individual, its key task is the formation of individual legal experience.
Authors and Affiliations
Sergiy Skurikhin, Сергей Скурихин, Сергій Скуріхін
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