The counteraction to illegal migration on sea routes: condition and prospects for improvement
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 4
The control of migratory movements using maritime transport is analyzed in the article. Legislative acts regulating such activities are clarified. The relevance of the chosen research direction is justified on the basis of international legal regulation and statistics. International legal experience shows the need for a response to the transportation of illegal migrants by the sea, in view of the significant danger to their lives and the importance of cooperation between States, which makes it possible to use forces and means in each other's marine space. The purpose of the article is to establish the specifics of the activity on ensuring border security in seawater and effectively combating the illegal entry of migrants into the territory of Ukraine. The author compares national legislation with the norms of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air. The threats to Ukraine related to the transfer of illegal migrants by the sea are clarified based on the experience of the member states of the European Union. The author gives statistical data of the activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on counteraction to illegal migration on the routes of maritime traffic. He also identified the factors that point to such a threat to Ukraine. Features of the legal composition of an administrative offense in accordance with article 204-2 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (Violation of the procedure for entry into and exit from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine). In particular, the practice of illegal entry by sea to the mainland of Ukraine from the temporarily occupied territory has been analyzed. Prospects for improving the legal framework for combating illegal migration and cooperation with European partners are described. The peculiarities of international legal and national regulation of such activity are indicated.
Authors and Affiliations
Андрей Мота, Andriy Mota, Андрій Мота
Герменевтичні шляхи конкретизації Конституції України
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