The creation of the tourist product of Malbork on the instrument of promotion
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2014, Vol 12, Issue 2
The marketing of tourism services is the answer tourism market specificity, which determines an application of integrated and advanced promotional activities. City wishing to gain a competitive advantage, it should first focus on the process of creation of the tourism product. In turn, the task of the brand, which is an important element of the tourism product, is to build a positive image in consumers’ eyes. Promotion affects not only the sales activation, but also on the optimization in time. The result is an extension of the tourist season and profit maximization. Public and private sectors are involved in promotion of the region. The author’s intention was to emphasize the role of promotion in the process of building a tourism product of Malbork, which has a dynamic transformations through institution Malbork Welcome Center. Matching promotional messages to the specific target segment meant that the city enjoys growing interest from tourists. Evaluation of the activities undertaken by the MWC has shown that the current promotional activities have a very positive impact on the functioning of the city.
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Głowacka
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