The Creation Place of Adam, Father of Mankind, According to the Islamic and Jewish Texts

Journal Title: رهیافت‌هایی در علوم قرآن و حدیث - Year 2009, Vol 41, Issue 83


The story of the creation of the first human being has been an important element in the culture and faith of most of the world's nations. This story plays a significant role in modern man's culture and way of thinking. The present article incorporates a comparative research in Islamic and Jewish texts on one of the components of this story, i.e., the place from which Adam's clay was taken and by which he was created. To this end, a number of Jewish and Islamic texts were compared in order to specify what similarities and differences these texts have with each other, which ideas are exclusive to Islamic texts or to the Jewish ones, and which ideas are probably transferred from the Jewish texts or folklore to the Islamic traditions and literature. This article aims at resolving the ambiguities existing in some of the traditions, as well.

Authors and Affiliations

Sayyid ‘Abd Al-MajīD ḤUsaynīZāDa


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  • EP ID EP196389
  • DOI 10.22067/naqhs.v41i2.3962
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How To Cite

Sayyid ‘Abd Al-MajīD ḤUsaynīZāDa (2009). The Creation Place of Adam, Father of Mankind, According to the Islamic and Jewish Texts. رهیافت‌هایی در علوم قرآن و حدیث, 41(83), 59-74.