The Critical Edition of Jamâl-i Khalwatî’s Tafsir Leaflet Called “Kitâbu al-Nûriyya wa Kawkabu al-Durriyya”
Journal Title: İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 48
This study aims to bring to light a tafsir (exegesis) leaflet which belongs to Jamâl-i Khalwatî (d. 899/1494) who lived in 17th century and became famous with the name “Çelebi Halife”. Jamâl-i Khalwatî, who lived in the time of 2nd Bayezid and who was a versatile scholar, wrote many books on Islamic sufism, tafsir and hadith. The work called Kitâbu al-Nûriyya ve Kawkabu al-Durriyya, which is the subject of this study, is a tafsir leaflet in which the author basically deals with the exegesis of the verse 24/35 (Surah al-Nur) and makes evaluations on some points that he considered important. This leaflet, in which characteristics of Ishari tafsir can be seen, forms a remarkable part of the literature composed in time within the context of the mentioned verse. The verified publication was made on the basis of the five attained versions of the work. In the study, firstly some information about Jamâl-i Khalwatî’s life and works are given, the characterization of the versions that were taken as the base for verification and the method used are specified and the text is given after a short evaluation about the content of the work.
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