The direct object of the crime envisaged in the Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 35
In the article through the prism of social relations, the direct object of the crime envisaged in the Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal production, making, purchasing, storage, transportation, sending or sale of narcotics, psychotropic substances or their analogues) is researched; elements of these social relations (subject, participants, social connection) are considered; The mechanism of causing damage to the specified object is covered. It is concluded that the main direct object of the crime under the Art. 307 of the Criminal Code are the social relations in the sphere of health protection of population from harmful influence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. Facultative objects of this crime may be: for parts 2 and 3 of the Art. 307 – social relations that ensure normal development of children; for the part 2 of the Art. 307 – public order; for the part 3 of the Art. 307 – security of citizens, society and the state from activities of criminal groups. The harm to the main direct object can be caused by criminal influence on the social connection of social relations by persons who are not participants in these relations, that is, «from the outside», or by participants of these relations, that is, «from within».
Authors and Affiliations
C. В. Мокляк, S. V. Moklyak
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