The precondition of discharge from criminal responsibility in view of admission by bail
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 37
The article is devoted to the definition of the precondition of discharge from criminal responsibility in view of admission by bail. Arguments are given on using of the notion of “precondition of discharge from criminal responsibility”. It is emphasized that precondition of discharge from criminal responsibility is common to any type of discharge from criminal responsibility. At the same time, in order to be discharged from criminal responsibility in view of admission by bail, such a precondition is accompanied by such restrictions as: 1) the commission of a crime for the first time; 2) a crime should be a minor criminal offense or a medium grave offense; 3) a crime should not be corrupt. The author discloses the content of such restrictions. Disclosing the content of these restrictions, the author defines the concept of “a crime committed for the first time”. It is proposed to treat it as an act which the person actually committed for the first time, or for the crime already committed, the legal consequences of prosecution are eliminated. Attention was paid to the issue of discharge from criminal responsibility in view of admission by bail in case of committing a certain plurality of crimes. The position that the possibility of dismissing a person from criminal responsibility in the case of repetition, actual cumulation and recidivism of crimes is excluded because it does not comply with the law of commission of a crime for the first time. At the same time, such an opportunity remains in the commission of an ideal cumulation t of crimes (that is, the commission of a person by one act two or more single crimes provided by different articles or different parts of the аrticle of the Criminal Code). Also, it turns out the moment from which the criminal law relation must be considered suspended; the concept of a corruption crime is considered. The features of the precondition of discharge from criminal responsibility in view of admission by bail in accordance with the new edition of the Art. 47 of the Criminal Code as a result of the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Simplification of Pre-trial Investigation of Certain Categories of Criminal Offenses” in January 1, 2020.
Authors and Affiliations
S. O. Mukha
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