The directions of the development of supplementary pension scheme in Poland (Kierunki rozwoju dodatkowego systemu emerytalnego w Polsce)


Forecasted significant decrease in replacement rates from the base part of the pension scheme as well as increase in the size of a pension gap connected with it [cf. e.g. EUC 2012; OECD 2014] result in the issue of the need to revise the existing rules for functioning of the pension scheme in Poland being raised more and more often [e.g. TEP 2014; Kawalec 2015]. What’s important, the inability to offer sufficiently generous pensions from the base scheme – even in the case of considerable modifications in it – causes that building up savings voluntarily under an supplementary pension scheme is acquiring considerable significance [Rutecka 2014b, pp. 44]. The carried out analysis of functioning of the 3rd pillar of the pension scheme showed that the scale of voluntary retirement savings is extremely unsatisfactory. Moreover, on average only one out of every twenty two working person saves for retirement, and the average value of money saved in this manner does not ensure that the level of future old-age pensions will not decrease. Hence, in the author’s opinion, it is necessary to introduce significant changes in the functioning of the 3rd pillar of the pension scheme in Poland. These changes should aim at building a complex supplementary pension scheme. The actions to be taken should cover three areas, i.e. changing the rules for functioning of the supplementary pension scheme (3rd pillar) in the accumulation phase, formulating the rules for functioning of the supplementary pension scheme in the decumulation phase, and conducting an educational campaign in respect of the society’s pension awareness. Only simultaneously taken steps within each of these areas will ensure that the supplementary pension scheme in Poland will come up to expectations demanded from it. In the context of deliberations on construction of a complex supplementary pension scheme, it should be also noted that the issues of functioning of it are not only limited to stimulating citizens’ individual retirement savings and the use of them in the future, but also touch upon arguments of building up long-term national savings. It is true that a well-designed supplementary pension scheme while affecting increase in the rate of national savings can contribute to long-term economic growth (Kawalec 2015, pp. 5). For example, the “Plan for Responsible Development” – a governmental programme announced at the beginning of 2016, is an expression of such understanding of savings built up in the 3rd pillar. In this programme the significance of supplementary retirement savings in building better quality of life of the Poles and in generating capital necessary for the development of the whole economy is emphasised [Plan... 2016]. Lastly, it is also worth noting that the research carried out may be a valuable basis for further, detailed analyses including the issues raised. Particularly interesting is the issue of an analysis of the impact of different third-pillar solutions on public finance and economic growth, and also their impact on citizens’ subjective tendency to save. Analysing pension awareness of different age groups of Poles within the space of subsequent years and answering the question whether or not educational operations carried out so far bring about expected effects also seem interesting. W opracowaniu podjęta została problematyka funkcjonowania trzeciego filara systemu emerytalnego w Polsce. W kontekście spadku relatywnej wysokości świadczeń emerytalnych zapewnianych przez bazowy system emerytalny, analizie poddano kwestię budowy oraz rozwoju dodatkowego systemu emerytalnego w Polsce. Struktura opracowania odzwierciedla przyjęte cele badawcze. W pierwszej kolejności omówiona została rola bazowych i dodatkowych systemów emerytalnych we współczesnej koncepcji zabezpieczenia emerytalnego. Następnie scharakteryzowano zasady funkcjonowania trzeciego filara polskiego systemu emerytalnego oraz przeanalizowano aktualny zakres wykorzystania dostępnych w jego ramach instrumentów. W toku przeprowadzonych badań wykazano, że wielkość zgromadzonych dotychczas w IKE, IKZE oraz PPE dobrowolnych oszczędności emerytalnych jest wysoce niesatysfakcjonująca. W ostatniej części artykułu określono pożądane kierunki rozwoju dodatkowego systemu emerytalnego w Polsce. Obejmują one w szczególności: 1) modyfikację zasad gromadzenia oszczędności emerytalnych; 2) konstrukcję systemu wypłat zgromadzonych środków; 3) podjęcie działań edukacyjnych mających na celu wzrost świadomości emerytalnej społeczeństwa.

Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Jedynak


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How To Cite

Tomasz Jedynak (2016). The directions of the development of supplementary pension scheme in Poland (Kierunki rozwoju dodatkowego systemu emerytalnego w Polsce). ROZPRAWY UBEZPIECZENIOWE. Konsument na rynku usług finansowych., 22(3), 34-48.