The dynamics of the coping process of families of children with severe multiple disabilities
Journal Title: Family Forum - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 6
The paper explains the specifics of the dynamics of the coping process of families with children with severe multiple disability (SMD). The realised study was of a qualitative design and was based on the thematic analysis and interpretative content analysis of case studies of families with a child with SMD. Data were collected using 11 semi-structured interviews and case studies of families. Among the analysed themes were hearing the first news of the diagnosis, making the decision to keep the child at home, the losses related to the disability of the child, general thoughts about the life experience and worries related to future. Data was interpreted on the basis of the model of loss created by Ross and discussed in the context of other models. Specific conclusions were found mainly in the dealing process with the first news of the child’s diagnosis, the decision process to keep the child with the family, indefiniteness of the disability and integration of the losses.
Authors and Affiliations
Jiří Kantor
Faza pustego gniazda jako wyzwanie dla duszpasterstwa rodzin
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The dynamics of the coping process of families of children with severe multiple disabilities
The paper explains the specifics of the dynamics of the coping process of families with children with severe multiple disability (SMD). The realised study was of a qualitative design and was based on the thematic analysi...
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