The Effect of Short Term Endotracheal Intubation on Voice Quality and Range

Journal Title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 1


Purpose: To evaluate the voice quality and range after vocal fold trauma due to Endotracheal Intubation (EI).Material And Method: The research had been processed in Ministry of Health University Haseki Education and Research Hospital Otolaryngology Head and Neck Clinic. The voice samples of patients were recorded preoperatively. The voice ranges of patients were calculated. The recordings were repeated at 24h after operation. The results were statistically compared.Results:  The research was undergone with 24 (60%) female, 16 (40%) male, total 40 patients. The mean age was 33,70 (17-55). Postoperative acoustic analysis revealed that the fundamental frequency (F0), highest level of voice and vocal range were a statistically significant decreased from preoperative levels. Jitter, Shimmer and Harmonic-to-Noise ratios did not changed significantly. Conclusion : The EI is an invasive process and has some effects on vocal cords. These effects usisally resolve in a short time.  The voice professionals need to use their voice more precautiously during this period.

Authors and Affiliations

Ceki Paltura, Gülşah Acar Yüceant


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  • EP ID EP423480
  • DOI 10.16899/gopctd.345070
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How To Cite

Ceki Paltura, Gülşah Acar Yüceant (2018). The Effect of Short Term Endotracheal Intubation on Voice Quality and Range. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE, 8(1), 26-28.