The effect of sulphur fertilization on the yield of different breeding forms of winter oilseed rape in the conditions of diverse nitrogen rates

Journal Title: Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops - Year 2011, Vol 32, Issue 1


The basis for these investigations constituted the results of 3-year studies (2006–2008), which were performed in three places characterized by different soil conditions: on heavy soils in Łagiewniki (N 51°46' E 17°14'), lighter soils in Zielęcin (N 52°10' E 16°22') and Małyszyn (N 52°44’ E 15°10’). Experimental factors were: spring nitrogen fertilization — 60, 120 and 180 kg N·ha-1, spring sulphur fertilization — 0, 15, 30 and 60 kg S·ha-1 and cultivar of winter oilseed rape — open pollinated cultivar Bojan and two hybrids: composite Kaszub and restored Kronos.Out of these experimental factors the nitrogen fertilization had the strongest effect on seed yield. In the conditions of insufficient sulphur supply to plants which was observed in early spring on the control in all years of investigations, sulphur fertilization increased the yield of seeds. The response of studied cultivars to sulphur fertilization was similar. Independently of the rate of nitrogen, the most effective for the yield of seeds was the aplication rate of 15 kg S·ha-1. The response of studied cultivars to nitrogen fertilization was diverse. The yield of seeds of hybrid cultivars (Kaszub and Kronos) significantly increased with the nitrogen dose of 120 kg .ha-1, however in the open pollinated cultivar Bojan the linear growth of seed yield was observed with the highest dose of nitrogen (180 kg·ha-1).Interaction between studied factors and environment was observed. Diverse effect of nitrogen and sulphur fertilization was observed between years as well as the localities. The greater differentiation in yield was observed on feebler soils of Małyszyn and Zielęcin, meanwhile in conditions of good soils of Łagiewniki the greater fidelity of yielding was observed.

Authors and Affiliations

Franciszek Wielebski


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How To Cite

Franciszek Wielebski (2011). The effect of sulphur fertilization on the yield of different breeding forms of winter oilseed rape in the conditions of diverse nitrogen rates. Rośliny Oleiste - Oilseed Crops, 32(1), 61-78.