The Effect of Usingmultimedia Inimprovingsome of Reading Aloud Skills Amongstudents with Learning Disabilities in Najran Area at Saudi Arabia
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 4
The study aimed at investigatethe effectof usingmultimedia in improving some of Reading Aloud Skills (Correct Articulation Skills, Word RecognitionSkills, and Reading Fluency Skills) of elementarystudents with learning disabilities (SLD)in Najran area at Saudi Arabia. The sample of the study consisted of (12) SLDfrom first and second grade; it was divided randomly into two equal groups: control and experimental. The students in the experimental group have studied the reading aloud skills by using multimedia; however, the students in the control group were received their teaching by the conventional method. The Reading Aloud Skills Test: was applied for two groups as pre-test and post-test. Results showed that there are statistically significant differences on the all domains of post- The Reading Aloud Skills Test due to the variable of group, in favor of SLD in the experimental group.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Ibrahim Ragab Abbas Ibrahim
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