The effects of a 12-week fitness training programme on changes in body composition and level of carbohydrate metabolism in middle-aged women
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 27, Issue 77
Introduction. For metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, prophylaxis is the primary factor modulating the manifestation time of a full-blown disease. Regular physical activity has positive effects on physical fitness, it maintains or increases lean body mass, reduces body fat, and is extremely important: it regulates metabolic processes. Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze changes in somatic and glycemic indices of middle-aged women with subclinical glycemia after 12 weeks of health training in the form of aerobic exercises. Material and methods. 15 women (42.7±4.2 years) with documented fasting-state episodes of hyperglycemia and low physical activity were included in the study. The health training programme (aerobics Hi/Low) lasted 12 weeks, and the classes took place three times a week for 45 minutes. Participants were equipped with cardiac monitors and maintained an individually determined heart rate range (±4 BPM). During the fi rst 6 weeks, they exercised at the level of 70.0±1.8%, for the next 6 weeks, 80±2.9% HRmax. The day before and the day after the end of the training programme, body composition was measured and blood was collected for biochemical analysis. The results of glucose and insulin level tests were used to calculate HOMA%B (beta cell activity), HOMA%S (insulin sensitivity) and HOMA-IR (insulin resistance). Results and conclusion. Post-exercise changes included improvement in somatic indices: body mass decreased signifi cantly from 65.0±3.7 kg to 62.6±3.9 kg, and lean body mass increased from 45.0±1.1 kg to 46.7±1.9 kg. There was a signifi cant decrease in fat mass: from 20.0±2.7 kg to 15.9±3.3 kg. Each subject improved her BMI on average by one unit. In the area of changes in Indicators of glycemic control, there was signifi cant improvement in the level of fasting glucose and the HOMA-IR indicator (by an average of 0.41±0.10) and insulin level. HOMA%B and HOMA%S levels showed no signifi cant improvement. In terms of structure, duration and intensity, the proposed training programme can be an effective form of prevention of glycemic disorders for women in their fifties.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Piotrowska, Łukasz Tota, Tomasz Pałka, Natalia Totko-Borkusiewicz, Joanna Wyrostek, Wanda Pilch
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