The Efficiency of Physiotherapy for Hip Osteoarthritis in the Light of Self-assessed Health-related Quality of Life

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 12, Issue 1


The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a 4-week osteoarthritis rehabilitation program in terms of the amount of change in pain severity, range of motion in the hip affected as well as changes in function subscales as determined by SF-36 Health Survey, version 2 (SF-36v2) both in the total study population and in relation to gender. Correlations between the changes and range of motion and pain indices were also analyzed. The study group comprised 30 patients with hip osteoarthritis participating in a 4-week reha­bilitation program. Both active and passive. range of motion (ROM) in the hip joint was assessed Pain severity was measur­ed using the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). Health-related quality of life was determined by means of SF-36 Health Survey, version 2 (SF-36v2) before and after the rehabilitation program. The analysis of mean scores in SF-36v2 function subscales obtained before and after therapy demonstrated major improvements in health-related quality of life subscales except general physical function. Pain severity decreased as suggested by the bodily pain subscale of the SF-36v2 and numerical rating pain scale. Statistically significant changes in active range of motion after therapy compared to the baseline values observed in the total study population as well as in female and male subgroups seem to confirm the effectiveness of physiotherapy for hip osteoarthritis.

Authors and Affiliations

Daria Chmielewska, Joanna Wawrzyńczyk, Janusz Kubacki, Edward Błaszczak, Agnieszka Perkowska


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How To Cite

Daria Chmielewska, Joanna Wawrzyńczyk, Janusz Kubacki, Edward Błaszczak, Agnieszka Perkowska (2012). The Efficiency of Physiotherapy for Hip Osteoarthritis in the Light of Self-assessed Health-related Quality of Life. Fizjoterapia Polska, 12(1), 59-70.