The electronic accounting system of medical equipment in NATO member countries as an example of using the modern information logistics systems


At this moment, Ukraine is creating an overall effective system of logistics support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military and paramilitary formations, which can qualitatively cooperate with NATO member countries and European Union in peaceful and martial states. This system effectiveness determines by the information quality and reliability, which is used to manage stream processes. That’s why an integral part of the tasks came up con-structing the system of effective and rational using the medical equipment in medical units and institutions of Armed Forces of Ukraine, is the formation and obtaining reliable information about the effectiveness providing level of using a medical equipment and technics. Aim. To study the order and the procedure of items’ supply codification (including med-ical equipment) which are providing the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Additional aim is a development of material and technical stuff searching algorithm which include medical equipment in NATO Master Catalogue of References for Logistics system. Results. Currently, Armed Forces of Ukraine carry out a new stage in formation of medi-cal equipment accounting system according to NATO standards as a further way of Armed Forces development. In this article we observed an order and procedure of codi-fication of supply items (including medical equipment), which are providing the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Reviewed the algorithm of equipment finding in NATO Master Cata-logue of References for Logistics as an example of using modern information logistic sys-tems. Conclusions. These tasks acquire a special relevance as a method of medical supply opti-mization in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After all, implementation of modern infor-mation logistic systems will allow to raise the effectiveness of material streams manage-ment in Armed Forces medical supply system at principally new level., It will Also pro-vide a possibility to integrate logistic providing system of Armed Forces with an another systems of Defense Forces and will enable to provide an active participation in realization of protective and defense politics of European Union and to achieve an operating and technical compatibility with the NATO county member’s Armed Forces.

Authors and Affiliations

M. V. Bilous, O. A. Ryzhov, O. P. Shmatenko, D. V. Voronenko


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  • EP ID EP659455
  • DOI 10.24959/uekj.19.5
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How To Cite

M. V. Bilous, O. A. Ryzhov, O. P. Shmatenko, D. V. Voronenko (2019). The electronic accounting system of medical equipment in NATO member countries as an example of using the modern information logistics systems. Управління, економіка та забезпечення якості в фармації, 1(57), 33-40.