The Emphasis of Negative Journalism in the Economic Communication, one of the Consequences of the Global Economic Crisis

Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2012, Vol 60, Issue 4


(a) Purpose. Triggered around year 2005, the current economic and financial crisis has gained a global character. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the crisis upon journalistic communication of financial and economic profile. b) The collection of basic information. As the main premise,it has been noted that in a natural way, there is a "negative journalism", a journalism based on persuasion. In addition it has been noted as a second premise, the existence of the financial and economic crisis. Under the scale of the two premises, the sampling of the information was carried out by consulting the Romanian financial and economic press. (c) Findings. The result was that the number of the articles dedicated to crisis and its effects, has increased gradually. The more the crisis has intensified, the more the emotional component of the articles has stressed. The emotional inhibited the rational, so that persuasion has been amplified. At the same time,the partizan and dishonest character has expanded. The correlation observed was that while the crisis has escalated,the economical and financial journalism has grown more and more emotional and negative. d) Practical implication. The press made a big-crisis out of the real crisis. The economic and financial crisis of the moment must be read in a dissuated way.

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How To Cite

Ștefan VLĂDUŢESCU (2012). The Emphasis of Negative Journalism in the Economic Communication, one of the Consequences of the Global Economic Crisis. Revista Romana de Statistica, 60(4), 121-126.