The problem of nonlinear vibrations of orthotropic rectangular plate in asupersonic gas flow is
considered. Investigations were done taking into account both types of nonlinearity: the wind
(quadratic and cubic) and geom...
In the paper we consider a problem of oscillations of rotation with certain nonsummable coefficients. Under
certain conditions on the coefficients the smoothness of generalized waveforms in the introduced special weight...
V. M. Smolsky (1985). The estimation of fatigue durability of the drill-hole walls.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 38(1),
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The Influence of Supersonic Stream on the Dependence “Amplitude-Frequency” of Nonlinear Vibrations of Flexible Plate
The problem of nonlinear vibrations of orthotropic rectangular plate in asupersonic gas flow is considered. Investigations were done taking into account both types of nonlinearity: the wind (quadratic and cubic) and geom...
The bending of laminated beams with slip between layers.
The smoothness of generalized waveforms for the problem of rotation of the shell oscillations depending on certain nonsummable coefficients
In the paper we consider a problem of oscillations of rotation with certain nonsummable coefficients. Under certain conditions on the coefficients the smoothness of generalized waveforms in the introduced special weight...
On the elastic surface waves in a thick plate.
Investigation on physical an mechanical properties of extrude fiber composites.