The Evaluation of Blink Reflex Responses and Recovery Curves in Patients With Blepharospasm

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2005, Vol 22, Issue 3


Objective: We aimed to study that the change in blink reflex excitability is related to their clinical presentations in patients with blepharospasm. Material and Methods: In this study, the data on 39 blepharospasm cases were compared with 22 healthy persons as control group. For that purpose, the electrical elicited blink reflex (BR) data of the study and control groups, R1(response 1), R2 (response 2) latency, R2 field and BR-R2 recovering function parameters resulting from the stimulations with 200-400-600-800-1000 ms interstimulus intervals were utilized. Results: We found that there was no difference in R1 and R2 latency values between the study and control groups while R2 field was found to increase in the study group compared to the control group ( R2 field in the study group: 8.17±7.14, in the control group: 3.60±1.6 p<0.0001 ). There was no significant relation between disease period, disability degree, sex, opthalmologic histories, neuroleptic drug use, focal or segmental dystonia and BR parameters. The R2 field and recovering values in the study group resulting from the stimulations with 200–400–600–800–1000 ms interstimulus intervals was significantly higher than in the control group (p<0.001). Also, BR-R2 recovering curve is found to have higher values in the study group than in the control group Conclusion: We found that the BR excitability is higher in patients with blepharospasm than in the control groups. But, this was not related to the patients’ clinical presentations.

Authors and Affiliations

Sevki SAHIN, Meral KIZILTAN, Devran TAN


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How To Cite

Sevki SAHIN, Meral KIZILTAN, Devran TAN (2005). The Evaluation of Blink Reflex Responses and Recovery Curves in Patients With Blepharospasm. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 22(3), 274-282.