The Evaluation of the Level and Correlations of Selected Coordination Motor Abilities of Physical Education Students<br />

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 17, Issue 42


The aim of the study was to explain the correlation between the parameters characterizing the static dynamic balance of the body, kinesthetic differentiation and time differentiation.Materials and methods. A group of 227 (171 men of 22.1 and 56 women o f 22.8) second-year students of physical education participated in the study. The static and dynamic balance was assessed with the test based on controlling the position of the centre of body mass using a dynamometric platform. Tested person had to keep the cursor (the centre of body mass) at the point moving along a prefect ellipsis on the screen. A hand dynamometer was used to assess the kinesthetic differentiation ability. Tested person had to squeeze the dynamometer with a force of 100 N less than the maximum value defined at the beginning of the test. Time differentiation was assessed with a Heuer 1030 stopwatch; tested person had to time ten-second periods for ten repetitions without looking at the stopwatch.Results. Statistic analysis of the collected data did not show statistically significant differences between the groups of men and women. Pearson’s linear correlation and Spearman’s rank correlation tests pointed to a very weak correlation (statistically insignificant) between the test results, directed at the assessment of three different coordination abilities.Conclusions. Numerous differences among the participants’ test results point to different levels of their coordination motor abilities. Very few statistically significant differences between the test results of males and females suggest that a participant’s sex has very little influence on their coordination motor abilities. Very little values of correlation coefficients of individual tests suggest that there are no significant interrelations among the studied abilities. It also proves that these are very specific abilities. Using the mentioned tests to assess the general predisposition for selected coordination motor abilities seems to be justified.

Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Boraczyński , Vadim Zaporozhanov , Jerzy Urniaż , Adam Sawicki , Lola Brygida Boraczyńska


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How To Cite

Tomasz Boraczyński, Vadim Zaporozhanov, Jerzy Urniaż, Adam Sawicki, Lola Brygida Boraczyńska (2008). The Evaluation of the Level and Correlations of Selected Coordination Motor Abilities of Physical Education Students<br /> . Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 17(42), 35-42.