The experimental study of the influence of soil microorganisms – consorts of diazotrophs on the growth and development of Triticum aestivum L.
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 157
The study explored experimentally the influence of suspensions of soil microorganisms or multicomponent preparation “Baikal” on the vegetative growth and development of wheat plants. The suspensions containing just a few soil microbiota species, which are the consortia of the diazotroph Azosirillum brasilense, were able to produce a meaningful positive effect on the test-plant morphometric parame- ters and on the concentration of sugars in wheat leaves. Also, the heterogeneous impact (stimulation or delay) on wheat seeds germination was found after their inoculation with various combinations of suspensions of microorganisms. The results obtained can be used for the de- velopment of preparations aimed at the regulation of the intensity of grain germination in hard weather conditions.
Authors and Affiliations
O. I. Vinnikova, D. V. Glushach
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