The features of clonal structure of Calluna Vulgaris (L.) Hullв in forest ecosystems of the northern-east of Ukraine
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 1
Clonal pattern of the Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull forest subshrub in the north-east of Ukraine is examined in the article. Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull is a perennial evergreen subshrub, the populations of which often dominate or codominate in the lower layers of forest ecosystems. Xeromesophyte grows on poor soils. It is common both for the pine forests and sphagnum bogs in Ukraine. The goal of our study is to examine and analyze the peculiarities of the pattern and process of formation of the C. vulgaris clones in the forests of the north-eastern part of Ukraine dedicated to various phytocenoses: Betuleto-Pinetum callunosо-myrtillosum, Pinetum callunosо-hylocomiosum, Querceto-Pinetum callunosо-hylocomiosum. About 25-30 clones of various shapes and configurations are described, mapped and analysed in each association. In order to make a detailed analysis we have chosen five model clones of C. vulgaris with the model structure. The main regularities of the C. Vulgaris clone pattern are considered on their example. Depending on the age of a clone of heather, the ratio of the partial bushes of different age status is not the same in it. Young clones are characterized by high values of index of recovery and reduced indices of aging. Their index of recovery is 56 and 68%, and the index of aging is 0 and 9%, respectively. Middle-aged clones are characterized by the index of recovery reduced to 37% and the index of aging increased to 17%. Typical clones of heather, mainly, are middle-aged with high rates of generativity (60-69%). Based on the changes of the density of partial bushes and their age status, the clone area can be divided into three zones: central, intermediate and peripheral. The central zone of middle-aged clones consists mainly of partial bushes of old generative and post-generative age status (the population of partial bushes of regressive type). The intermediate zone is presented by partial bushes of generative and old vegetative age-status (the population of the partial bushes of normal type). And the peripheral zone is mainly presented by pre-generative partial bushes (the population of partial bushes of invasive type). The boundaries between them are vague, and all these zones differ from each other. Three graphic models of clones, differing in the ratio of partial bushes of different age status and their location, are created as a result of generalization of the conducted population-based studies of clonal pattern in the National Nature Park “Desniansko-Starogutsky” for C. vulgaris.
Authors and Affiliations
Ігор Коваленко
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