Characteristics fourth brain ventricle in people of different ages study using mri
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 2
For example morphometric study of magnetic resonance tomograms different ages persons ever comprehensive vivo characterization fourth brain ventricle of the human. Studied gender characteristics and the size fourth brain ventricle in people of different ages. Analyzed one hundred twenty five tomograms different ages persons: 54 men (different age) and 71 women (different age). For the study used groups of persons, where measurements performed by magnetic resonance tomograms without expressed pathological changes in the brain. A survey was conducted in the department of radiation diagnosis of clinical institution «Rivne Regional Clinical Hospital» on computer tomograph General Electric Nealthcare «SignaMRI 1,5T» and in the office of magnetic resonance tomography ща clinical institution «Lutsk Clinical Hospital» on computer tomograph Signa Profile Ce Medical Sistem - 1,5 Tl in standard anatomical planes (sagittal, frontal and axial). The length of IV brain ventricle is defined as the distance between the aqueduct in he central canal of the spinal cord. Measured on the median sagittal anatomical planes. Dentified involutive changes to reduce the length and height of the IV ventricle in both sexes differ. The men from the second period mature age and ld age of IV ventricle decreased by 16.71% and in women from of mature age first period it old age by 29.1%. Height IV ventricle to the first period has increased significantly, and since the second period of mature age decreased by 13.51% in of men. In the second period, women of mature age height IV ventricle was relatively stable, with its ubsequent reduction to the old age at 10.81%.
Authors and Affiliations
Т. Комшук
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