The features of evaluation of adaptation under the poster-industrial conditions of the activity of the enterprise


In the content limits of the article the adaptation is investigated as a characteristic of the enterprise, which is associated with the definition of the features of its activities, taking into account the changes occurring in the external environment. In this content statement, the need to improve the assessment of adaptation, taking into account the post-industrial peculiarities of the business environment, has been updated. It is proved that the specificity of adaptation evaluation should take into account its content as a reaction, process and result. On the basis of critical analysis and generalization of existing methodical approaches to the assessment of the adaptation of the enterprise, problems were identified at the theoretical and methodological level and the limitations of practical use, as well as the author’s vision on the logic of adaptation evaluation in the post-industrial conditions of the enterprise were presented. The expediency of evaluating adaptation on the basis of the combination of a retrospective and perspective analysis of it depending on the level of certainty of the environmental parameters is substantiated; approaches to evaluation (output, on the basis of potential) and the form of presentation of the result (economic status, development potential reserves) are determined. The basis for the instrumental implementation of the proposed adaptation assessment logic is the concept of strategic discontinuities (ordinary and extraordinary), and the analytical procedures are based on a combination of scenario analysis technologies (TAIDA) and GAP-analysis.

Authors and Affiliations

Кateryna Vyshnevska


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How To Cite

Кateryna Vyshnevska (2018). The features of evaluation of adaptation under the poster-industrial conditions of the activity of the enterprise. Стратегія економічного розвитку України, 42(), 58-70.