The Financial Results of Agricultural Enterprises in the Pre-War and Wartime Period

Journal Title: Oblik i finansi - Year 2024, Vol 1, Issue 1


The financial results of business entities are an important indicator of the state of the industry, based on which operational and systemic decisions are made regarding the determination of development priorities, regulatory and legal regulation, budget financing, taxation and other state management mechanisms. Timely identification of existing trends and possible risks and a comprehensive assessment of the influence vectors and dependencies of all economic activity components, especially in martial law conditions, allows for more balanced and effective decisions capable of ensuring stable long-term development. The article aims to identify the latest trends in the formation of financial results of agricultural enterprises and assess the prospects of their growth in the conditions of war and post-war reconstruction. The article examines a set of indicators characterizing the financial results of agricultural enterprises over the past decade. The main trends regarding the dynamics and volumes of critical financial indicators of enterprises, including the individual branches of agricultural products, have been clarified. The main factors influencing the financial results of enterprises, changes in the structure of their financial assets and liabilities, and individual indicators of financial stability and solvency are determined. The study results show that in the pre-war period, agricultural enterprises' financial results steadily improved, reaching their historical maximum in 2021. Such a trend indicated the real prerequisites for further qualitative growth of the agricultural industry. In martial law conditions, most of the positive trends slowed down significantly. At the same time, the preservation of the financial potential of agricultural enterprises and the prospects for their growth depend, first of all, on the duration of the war and the possibilities of state support.

Authors and Affiliations

Yurii Lupenko & Andrii Lupenko


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  • EP ID EP734695
  • DOI 10.33146/2307-9878-2024-1(103)-28-37
  • Views 43
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How To Cite

Yurii Lupenko & Andrii Lupenko (2024). The Financial Results of Agricultural Enterprises in the Pre-War and Wartime Period. Oblik i finansi, 1(1), -.