The Genesis of International Legal Regulation of Ensuring Safety of Navigation
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 2
In the article the major international agreements in the field of maritime safety are researched with the division into the following groups: 1) related to design, construction and equipment; 2) associated with the operation of the vessel; 3) related to the organization of search and rescue; 4) related to the organization of the investigation of marine accidents and emergency inspections in ports. It is noted that the international nature of the use of the oceans for the purpose of navigation provides for the application of the international approach to solving the problem of navigation safety and requires the international regulation. To date, the international legal practice has accumulated a sufficient number of regulations governing maritime safety issues. The legal basis for joint action by States is the large number of international agreements in the field of maritime safety.
Authors and Affiliations
Тетяна Аверочкіна, Татьяна Аверочкина, Tetiana Averochkina
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