The global economic crisis and management in Polish companies


Due to the unfavorable economic changes, which have begun as a consequence of the economiccrisis, a number of Polish firms were forced to adjust and reduce their economic activities andto conduct reorganizations in their production processes. The paper aims to identify regularitiesthat have appeared as a response to the economic recession in Polish enterprises that aremanaged by the owners or their families as well as in enterprises that are administered by hiredmanagers. The author presents the following hypothesis: the reactions of enterprises managedby the owners or their families to the changes taking place in the market as a consequence ofthe global economic recession differ from the reactions of enterprises that are managed by hiredmanagers. This hypothesis was verified using quantitative data from a primary survey that wasconducted in July and August 2010.

Authors and Affiliations

Izabella Steinerowska-Streb


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How To Cite

Izabella Steinerowska-Streb (2011). The global economic crisis and management in Polish companies. Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe, 19(3), 19-29.