The image of a research institution as an important element in shaping the level of competitiveness of the organisation

Journal Title: Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych - Year 2017, Vol 24, Issue 2


The primary objective of the publication is defining the factors and processes affecting the efficient course of actions undertaken around building a positive image of the organisation. The study raises key aspects of this issue. The diagnosis providing that the recipient is guided in his/her purchasing decisions by the opinions about a given product or service that reach them through all the available content distribution channels is appearing increasingly often in subsequent study findings. The same studies have also confirmed that an inherent feature of a knowledge-based economy is the level of the intangible asset share as regards determining the position of an organisation (brand, reputation). The unbridled increase in competition has led to the generation of a growing volume of advertising offers for buyers, as a result of which standing out among other market players has now become more of an issue. One of the ways to enhance an organisation’s presence in a changing environment includes measures promoting its positive image creation and shaping of favourable (valuable) opinions about it. The selection of the appropriate image concept to a constantly changing business environment in terms of competing or consumer preferences requires an effective response to their experiences in the cognitive, emotional and behavioural dimensions. If they are positive, they will contribute to building a favourable mindset among consumers, which in turn will facilitate the formation of a positive image of the organisation.

Authors and Affiliations

Witold Świeczak


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  • EP ID EP209132
  • DOI 10.14611/minib.24.06.2017.09
  • Views 74
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How To Cite

Witold Świeczak (2017). The image of a research institution as an important element in shaping the level of competitiveness of the organisation. Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych, 24(2), 81-104.