The immediate object of diversion (Article 113 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)
Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2017, Vol 137, Issue 137
The article investigates the direct object of diversion (Article 113 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). It is proposed to determine the proximate object of diversion in relation to each form of its commitment, by determinating the sphere of social relations and the basic social value in such kind of relations, which is protected by art. 113 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine» of June 19, 2003 are substantiated for the correct conceptual solution of this issue. The immediate object of diversion should be considered: public relations in the sphere of life safety of many people; рublic relations in the field of the health security of many people; social relations that ensure the protection of objects in the economic, military and information spheres; public relations in the sphere of territorial security as a special social macro-material value; public relations in the field of the safety of life and health of many people or animals; public relations in the sphere of the safety of life and health of many people; public relations to ensure the protection of objects of the animal world as vital social values in the environmental or economic spheres to which they relate; public relations to ensure the protection of flora objects as vital social values in the environmental or economic spheres to which they relate.
Authors and Affiliations
Андрій Климосюк
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