The impact of modern technology on changing marketing actions in organisations. Marketing 4.0
Journal Title: Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych - Year 2017, Vol 26, Issue 4
The article presents the theory that modern technologies are changing the way in which marketing is organised and that they will transform the prevailing composition of the market, while enterprises should come to terms with the act that having a market share will no longer suffice to maintain the market leader position. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the key challenges generated by technological innovations and to identify the opportunities for marketing in light of the new communication and information technologies so that quantifiable benefits can be gained. The research topic underpinning this paper is: 1) an analysis of social media use by the Millennial generation; 2) an evaluation of the attitudes of SMEs towards the incorporation of information technology into their current marketing practices; 3) determining the implementation possibilities of Marketing 4.0 by promoting a flexible approach to organising marketing actions. Following a review of the available literature on the subject, we will present a concept of the model of the flexible organisation of marketing actions. The D3I2C concept combines today’s marketing actions and digital transformation. It can be harnessed by academia and other organisations seeking guidance on the implementation of transformation in the organisation of marketing actions.
Authors and Affiliations
Witold Świeczak
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