The Impacts of Teachers, Beliefs and teachers, gender on Stimulating Self-regulated Learning among first Grade of High School Students of Zanjan City
Journal Title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 9, Issue 9
Self-regulated learning is a vital component of educational goal. The recognition of self-regulated learning is mostly associated with personal teacher characteristics. On the other hand, teachers, educational beliefs play a crucial role in the introduction and development of self-regulated learning practices. This study explored “The Impact of high school teachers’ Beliefs and demographic characteristics on stimulating self-regulated learning among high school students in Zanjan city”. To fulfill this objective, the researcher administered two kinds of questionnaires. The first one was Belief about Primary Education Scale (BPES) and the second one was Self-Regulated Learning Inventory for Teachers (SRLIT) to sample of 46 high school teachers.54% of participants were male and 46% were female with mean average age of 37years old . 47.8% of teachers had less than 10 years teaching experiences and 52.2% had 11 to 20 years teaching experience. Teachers, university degrees were as follows: 14% associate degree, 71% bachelors and 15% master degree. The convenient sampling was run. Results revealed that developmental beliefs of teachers had positive effect on practice of self-regulation and transmissive beliefs of teachers had negative effect on implementation of self-regulation. The variable of gender did not affect to implementation of self- regulation among students. Findings of the present study would suggest educational system pay more attention on training of pre-service and in -service teachers who will have knowledge and competence regarding self-regulated learning.
Authors and Affiliations
Azadeh Mehrjou| Department of Applied Linguistics, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran, Behzad Rahbar| Department of Applied Linguistics, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran, email:
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