The improvement of the unmanned aerial vehicles control in the conduct of modern wars


The article presents some characteristic features of modern warfare. It is shown that the main task in conducting modern warfare is conquering and holding information superiority over enemy by using the possibilities of an integrated information and communication space by interspecific groups of troops, which is formed by various sources of information, including the widespread use of unmanned aerial vehicles of different purposes, as the main information sources that form this space. It is shown that in the future, the role of unmanned aerial vehicles will increase as one of the main elements of the air component of the intelligence, communication, navigation and striking systems, and will lead to their massive, synchronized and global application for the simultaneous solution of many problems in the interests of performing tasks by the interspecific troops group. This requires an urgent improvement of their control process. An analysis of the history of developed countries in the field of the unmanned aerial vehicles control was carried out. On the basis of which the appropriateness of improving the group control in their concentrated use in the course of modern warfare is determined and it should be made in three directions, using: centralized control of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles from a single control point; decentralized robotic control of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles; control with the leader as the most suitable for use in mixed groups of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. Research results can be used in the development of advanced unmanned aerial vehicles or during their further modernization at the stage of reasoning of the tactical and technical requirements to them.

Authors and Affiliations

Юрій Кучеренкo, Валерія Кірвас, Дмитро Фоменко, Світлана Денисова


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  • EP ID EP439157
  • DOI 10.30748/zhups.2018.58.06
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How To Cite

Юрій Кучеренкo, Валерія Кірвас, Дмитро Фоменко, Світлана Денисова (2018). The improvement of the unmanned aerial vehicles control in the conduct of modern wars. Збірник наукових праць Харківського національного університету Повітряних Сил, 12(4), 43-49.