The Influence of Liquidity, Profitability, Asset Structure And Asset Growth on Firm Value with Capital Structure as Moderating Variable (Study in The Food & Beverage Sub-Sector Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in The Period of 2018 - 2021)

Journal Title: Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies - Year 2023, Vol 6, Issue 01


This study was to examine and analyze the effect of liquidity, profitability, asset structure and asset growth on firm value with the capital structure variable as moderating variable. The population in this study are food & beverage sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2018-2021. The technique used in sampling is purposive sampling. So that a total of 34 companies were taken in the research sample. The data analysis technique used in this study uses panel data regression and MRA. The results of the analysis show that liquidity and asset growth have a significant positive effect on firm value, while profitability and asset structure have no significant effect on firm value. Capital structure as a moderating variable is able to moderate the effect of liquidity, asset structure and asset growth on firm value but unable to moderate the effect of profitability on firm value.

Authors and Affiliations

Resti Diastanova , Bambang S. Marsoem


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  • EP ID EP726696
  • DOI 10.47191/jefms/v6-i1-28
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How To Cite

Resti Diastanova, Bambang S. Marsoem (2023). The Influence of Liquidity, Profitability, Asset Structure And Asset Growth on Firm Value with Capital Structure as Moderating Variable (Study in The Food & Beverage Sub-Sector Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in The Period of 2018 - 2021). Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 6(01), -.